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  • Safeguarding review

    Whole School Safeguarding review

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  • Training and INSET

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  • Whole School SEND review

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  Specialist consultancy and training for Special Educational Needs and Safeguarding

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“Laura’s calm, thought-provoking approach to supervision enabled me to see a clear path ahead. Without a doubt I have built confidence in my leadership approach. Laura made me feel comfortable, safe and free to express myself and share doubts and decisions in depth. Laura is a great listener with a unique approach, her ability to listen and hear what is being said enables her to ask the right question at the right time” 

Assistant Headteacher

Secondary school, Kent


 “Laura understood the issue readily, listened with care, offered pertinent advice and kept the child at the heart of the issue throughout our discussion”

Senior Trust Leader and School Governor; Primary and Secondary education.

Safeguarding consultancy 

“Laura carried out a full safeguarding audit over two days for our large and diverse secondary school. She worked effectively with key members of staff in order to produce a detailed and comprehensive report, outlining areas of strength and for development. Throughout the process, Laura was highly professional; staff felt supported, listened to and were offered a good opportunity for self-reflection and development. Laura has a high level of expertise and her feedback was honest, concise and hugely valuable. I would wholeheartedly recommend Laura to anyone seeking a similar service.”

 Headteacher, Secondary school, Surrey

Safeguarding Audit

Training, supervision and development for leaders, teachers and support staff.
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